Reemasen cute Hot photos

Reema Sen is a popular South Indian actress.She is from Kolkata, was born in a middle class family. Later, her family moved Mumbai. Her career in modeling in Mumbai, where they appeared in different advertisments. She acted in the Music Video "Chandini Raatein" by Partners in Rhyme. Later she debuted as an actress in Tollywood (Telugu) film Chitram, a low-budget film directed by comedian LBSriram. Later, she was more than an item number as an actress years the next "movies on the market is telugu. The box office Posted fallen steadily over the Derwent in Telugu films. Then they moved Kollywood with the movie "Minnale", which also well. She DID starred in a Bollywood film, with flop. She was a very hot and sexy in her early film "chitram 'n served as a model Girl instead actress. However years your career in Kollywood was quite light and it is regarded as glam goddess, and Dancing Stunner Sizzling sensation in the Tamil box office.

Reema Sen has changed its name Reemma. Remember that brought her joy or.
Reema Sen was almost a Plantagenet off an actress, they move to this special, one part of the forthcoming Tamil film called Aayirathil Oruvan be made. Seems the movie thriller, but that's not stopping sexy Reema does a special song in the film.

Reema Sen Filmogragphy

2009 Aayirathil Oruvan Tamil Chal Chala Chal Hindi 2009 2007 Modalayindi Yamagola Malli (Telugu) 2006: Rendu, Vallavan, Thimiru (Tamil film), Bangaram (Telugu) & Malamaal Weekly (Hindi) 2004: Aan: Men at Work, Iti Srikanta (Bengali film), Giri, Anji, Chellamae, Ennkku unakku 20 18 2003: Jodi Kya Banai Wah Wah Ramji, Veeder, jaal: The Trap, Jay Jay, Dhool 2002 Bagavathi 2001: Hum Ho Gaye Aap Ke, Minnale, Manasanta Nuvve 2000: Chitram (Telugu)
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