Ileana Hot beauty

Ileana D'Cruz well known as Ileana born on 19th August 1987 in Mumbai City, India. She is originally Mangalorean. Ileana's father ia a Roman Catholic and a lawer by profession and her mother is a Muslim. Ileana enterd into movies when she was noticed a Fair and Lovely commercial. Her first movie was Devadasu in the year 2006. It was a great commercial success. After that she was acted many more movies.
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How To Discover Your Inner Beauty

Looks are nothing without spirit

That is the tag line for the new fragrance by Antonio Bandera’s. It’s called "Spirit" and although I have yet to smell it, that tag line appeals to my inner beauty. It’s true that looks are nothing without your inner spirit shining through. It’s your essence and your personality that makes you beautiful - not the clothes or makeup that you wear.

Many of us envy other women who we perceive as being "perfect". They have the perfect nose, the flawless face..….they get to wear all the finest clothing. Little do we know that some of these women are total bitches who care about nothing and nobody but themselves. It’s almost a waste of outer beauty, ya think?

So, you’re probably wondering, Well, how do I get to have this inner beauty?

Here’s my advice…

Stay true to yourself - What I mean by this in terms of fashion and beauty is that you wear clothing and makeup that you like and feel comfortable with - not what a magazine tells you to wear. Just because Lindsay Lohan wears Chanel doesn’t mean that you have to.

Smile and be happy- This may take a bit of work on your part - especially if you are depressed or angry inside. Make an effort to say positive affirmations to yourself in the morning after you wake up. We are all meant to be happy! Surround yourself with positive people and they’re energy will start to rub off on you.

Be confident-. All of us have our own insecurities. Maybe we think that we’re just not as pretty as so and so or maybe we feel that people will make fun of what we’re wearing. When you stand up tall and feel comfortable in your own skin - that’s what people really pay attention to. People are attracted to people who have confidence in themselves and don’t worry about what other people think

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